
Tag: Taqueria Morelia

Taqueria Morelia is serving some of the cheapest and more authentic Mexican food in the Homestead area. With two locations, you are not restricted to a particular section of town, and this definitely makes it easier to satisfy a craving when that itch for good Mexican starts to get unbearable.

The ambiance is not the particularly the greatest, but when looking for a hole in the wall type of lunch, it is a perfect destination. You will not be met with the most comfortable seats, or the best parking lot, but once you enter you will feel like you are transported to another place. The colorful walls are vibrant and quickly make you realize that you're about to embark on an adventure not typical to American food. Looking around, you will see a salsa bar with bright green and red sauces staring at you, almost daring to test your tolerance with them. The very friendly waitresses will quickly come towards you and motion you (in spanish) to a table where you will get a menu. The prices will probably surprise you, with most things around the $7.00 range. The prices are not the most surprising thing though, since aside from the usual protein choices you will find things like tongue or intestines. Although this may sound unappetizing, let me assure you that this only solidifies the authenticity of the restaurant. These types of foods are typical to the mexican cuisine, so it a welcomed addition to the menu. You don’t have to get these things to eat well though, since the steak is always tender and flavorful, the chorizo is delightfully spicy, and the chicken is never dry. Once you are served, you will realize that even if they food is not the most appetizing-looking, it might be the most appetizing-tasting thing you have eaten in a while. The portions are generous and most of the time served with refried beans and seasoned rice. Although these are complementary with most plates, they are not afterthoughts. Instead, they only elevate the meats to the point of creating a dish that will probably make you overeat from how good it is. As mentioned earlier, the service is always friendly and accommodating, although there may be a bit of a language barrier if you only know english. Still, the servers will try their best to make your experience here a pleasant one, and for the most part they succeed.

I highly suggest that you make a trip to the salsa bar, as the brightness and acidity from most of them add complexity and a bit of acidity to your dish. It is a nice change of pace from food that might be a bit rich. I’m partial to the green ones, but then again, I do have a high tolerance for heat. If the sauces get a bit overbearing, you can always cool down with some homemade horchata, a mexican drink flavored with rice and cinnamon. It is extremely refreshing and very authentic to the mexican culture. If this does not sound like something you would enjoy, I would go for the beer. Although the choices are not abundant, you can rest assured that what you will be served will be cold and satisfying.

Overall, coming to Taqueria Morelia will have you feeling like a local. Yes, it’s a hole in the wall. But it is also some of the most authentic and affordable Mexican food you will find in the area. It offers a different perspective of Miami, and it is something that should be cherished.


Taqueria Morelia

961 W Palm Drive
(305) 247-7552 or
1875 NE 8th Street
(305) 247-0877

By Food Blogger, Santiago Cardona

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