
Tag: sweet fruit

The lychee when it comes off of the tree is a pinkish red color with a really rough texture but when you peel the rind it is almost translucent with an incredible floral perfumed scent. The sweet fruit is in season (and ideal for martini’s) right now! Harvested between late May to the end of June and the ripe sweet fruit takes out the harsh kick of vodka.

The lychee is originally from China and can be seen in ancient chinese literature and art. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Li Longji has this tasty fruit delivered every day and every night to his favorite concubine, making sure she always had lychees to eat. But lychees have come along way, making their way to the United States after Reverend William Brewster went on a missionary trip to China. The Reverend brought them back on his ship to South Florida where you can still see his lychee grove in Davie Florida. Lychee fruit are incredibly rich with vitamin c, in fact they contain 40% more vitamin c than a glass of orange juice.

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