
Tag: Gordon Biersch

Miami, FL – November 15, 2013 - Nik Mebane has been hired by the Wynwood Brewing Company to be the brewery’s new Brewmaster announced founder Luis Brignoni. Mebane was previously the brewmaster at Gordon Biersch. The 33-year old has had extensive experience in craft brewing working with the renowned Otto’s Brewery in State College Pennsylvania before making Miami his home.

“I have been blown away about the welcome the WBC Team has given me. It says a lot about the working atmosphere – it’s a family” said Mebane during his first week at the brewery. He is excited about the brewing scene in Miami noticing that “it is like a brotherhood, everyone wants to help each other.”

Originally from Pennsylvania, Mebane went to study Journalism at Penn State and took a job at a, then, small brewery – Otto’s – to get some extra spending money. Little did he know that it would become a nine-year position that would take him through the amazing growth of the brewery and give him another education – the one of master brewer. He says “Otto’s grew from a 700 barrel craft brewery to a 4,000 one during those years.” In April 2013, Gordon Biersch brought him to Miami where he found out just four months later that the brewery and pub would be closing its doors on Brickell Avenue. “I had already fallen in love with the city, so when the Brignonis asked me to come on board, I was honored and happy to be able to go back to my brewing roots – just like when I started at Otto’s” said Mebane “I want to be able to experiment with trends, styles, and different treatments to produce amazing brews that spell Miami.”

Luis Brignoni couldn’t be happier about hiring Mebane “We are very pleased that Nik has become part of the WBC family. His extensive experience with Otto’s – bringing it from a small craft brewery to what it is now – assures us he was the best choice for our brewery.”

The Wynwood Brewing Company is the first production craft brewery in the City of Miami. Its beers are distributed by Brown’s Distributing in Florida. The brewery is located at 565 NW 24th Street, Miami, FL. It brews in a 15-Barrel two-vessel system. One barrel is equal to 31 US gallons. At any given time the brewery can produce about 500 gallons of beers in its 15 barrel fermenters and close to 1000 gallons in the 30 barrel fermenters. WBC uses premium malts from the US as its base malt and British and German Malts for caramel malts.

The permanent opening of the Tasting Room is scheduled for December 4th just in time for Art Basel and the holidays. WBCo will also be starting weekly brewery tours and an exclusive members-only “Vine Club”.

You can find an updated list of establishments that carry the Wynwood Brewing selection on the brewery’s website:

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