
Tag: giangrandi gourmet

Thanks to Giangrandi Gourmet and Veronica (see video), I am able now to stand strong if someone ask me about a thing or two about olive oils - and that is what I appreciate about a brand, if you want people to appreciate your product you need to pass on information & take the time to educate your audience, meeting passionate foodies face to face makes all the difference, and it did to me because after a month using their organic blend, extra virgin, medium intensity olive oil in my cooking adventures I am now a devoted follower.

Beautiful Valle Quilimari where their olives are harvested.

The soil and climate are ideal to produce high quality extra virgin olive oil, with particular organoleptic characteristics.

The Olive Grove

36 ha in total
Main varieties: arbequina, picual, barnea, coratina, frantoio, leccino
Other varieties in our blends: Nocellara, empeltre, liguria, suri, picholin
Trees spacing: 6 m x 4 m (416 trees/ha)
Organic production

Valle Quilimari

Harvest: manual, “combing” the branches, taking the fruit immediatly for processing.

Process: 2 italian modern technologie Oliomio production lines, of 550 kg/hour of total processing capacity,

  1. Leaf remover/washer: DEL machine
  2. Cruscher: Knife crusher
  3. Mixer: Horizontal and vertical mixers
  4. 2-phase Decanter

Storage: stainless steel tanks, topped with a floating lid. Nitrogen is added to avoid oxidation of the oil

Bottling: 4-nozzles bottling unit

olives from Chile

Varietal Characteristics

Arbequina: Origin: Spain Small fruit, good olive oil content, less antioxidants, milder, with a sweet taste

Picual: Origin: Spain Very rich oil content, high in antioxidants, certain bitterness in taste, aromas usually of tomato and herbs

Barnea: Origin: Israel Usually used in blends, flavor is reminiscent of almonds

Coratina: Origin: South of Italy Very high antioxidants content. Very intense fruitiness, bitterness and spicyness.

Frantoio: Origin: Italy (Tuscany) Very aromatic, rich in antioxidants (poliphenols)

Leccino: Origin: Italy (Tuscany) Very fruity, more bitter than spicy, usually used in blends

Olive Oil Classifications

Virgin oils:

  • Extra Virgin: Best quality of oil. No organoleptic defects, free acidity <0,8%
  • Virgin: Second quality oil, slight organoleptic defects, free acidity between 0,8 and 2%
  • Lampante: Very intense defects, free acidity higher than 2%, not suitable for consumption as it is, it has to be refined.

Pure Olive Oil

Mix of refined oil, small percentage of extra virgin or virgin olive oil

Olive Pomace Oil

Obtained by treating olive pomace with solvents and heat.

Giangrandi Gourmet, LLC.

16850-112 Collins Ave., Suite 134
Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160

Tel. 305.948.5645, Fax. 305.948.9544

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