March 28, 2010

Pacific Time Restaurant (miami Design District). Finally A Place With Decent French Fries

Posted by Gracielita Bella, Miami Culinary Tours

I visited Pacific Time restaurant on the Miami Design District because for some reason I have had it in my head for a while. I am not sure if I read about it on an ad on New Times or maybe even on Biscayne Times.

I was driving in the neighborhood so I decided to stop bye. Well I was driving and talking on the phone with my husband. As soon as I heard his voice, I knew for sure he was not up for going to dinner anywhere (that voice that tells you I am b.u.s.y) so although I love his company, even when I go without him I have a nice time as my MacBook Pro is always there for me.

I was parking the car and in a matter of seconds I had a valet guy all over my face, I mean, this is the Design District in Miami, there is no problem with parking here, and I am sorry to say, there is no “happening” in this neighborhood, if you walk just five or six blocks on the wrong direction, well down here you are in trouble.

Pacific time restaurant Chinese eggplant

Chinese eggplant $7, red curry and haricort vert

Pacific time restaurant fries

House Idaho fries $6

Hot and sour popcorn shrimp with asian vinaigrette

Hot and sour popcorn shrimp with Asian vinaigrette $9

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