August 23, 2012

Heard All Over Mexico

Each year on September 16, the joyous shouts of El Grito de Dolores - ““¡Viva Mexico!” and “¡Viva la independencia!” are heard all over Mexico, signaling the beginning of their National Day of Independence from the Spanish.

For locals, the Mexican National Day of Independence is a truly patriotic holiday, or fiesta patria (literally, holiday of the Fatherland), when festive foods such as pozole (a soup made of hominy and pork) and celebratory drinks such as the darker Reposado or Añejo Tequila styles are shared amongst friends, family and fireworks.

A question I’d like to pose to you:

In Mexico, the most popular type of Tequila consumed on national holidays is the more expensive aged Reposado, not Blanco. While here in America, the technically cheaper Blanco style is lauded (and advertised) as the tipple of choice (think Patron for example). Why is it different here and have Americans got it all backwards?

To help our readers celebrate National Day of Independence Day like a true Mexican, Tequila Partida, the world's top-rated Tequila (, have a few essential pointers on aged Reposado and Añejo Tequila to toast this proud day.

Partida Reposado has been applauded by top spirits experts, including America's leading spirits reviewer Paul Pacult, who called Partida Reposado "the Bentley of Reposado tequila.

Partida Reposado is aged six months in once-pass Jack Daniels American Oak. By Mexican law, Reposado Tequila must be aged a minimum of 2 months. Partida Añejo is aged for eighteen months in once-pass Jack Daniels American Oak. By law, Añejo Tequila must be aged a minimum of one year.

Aged Tequila styles such as Reposado and Añejo were originally created when producers made use of leftover red wine, brandy and rum casks that were shipped over for consumption by the Spanish aristocracy in the 1900s. This incredible invention changed the overall quality and taste of basic Tequila production, which at the time, was raw and without complexity.

Reposado Tequila possesses a unique woodsy flavoring that works well with beef-based, poultry and pork-type main dishes in the kitchen. An easy pairing of complementary flavors includes orange, cinnamon and honey.

Got a sweet tooth? Try finishing off your evening with an Añejo, which generally pairs well with desserts such as churros and dark chocolate.

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