March 04, 2010

Daikiri (daiquiri) Recipe. The Mulata, The Cream Cocoa Dream

Daiquirí, with accent in the last syllabe (as pronounced by Cubans) is an amazingly refreshing cocktail. The origin of this drink is a mistery. There are different theories about it. The daiquirí is a wonderful beverage to enjoy in any situation with friends.


“The beverage could not be any better in any other part of the world…Hudson was drinking another frozen daiquiri and when he raised the glass frost-rimmed, he looked at the clear part below the frapped top and it reminded him of the sea,” (Ernest Hemingway, in Islands in the Stream).

The necessary ingredients to prepare daiquirí are:

White rum (recommended Havana 3 years), maraschino liquor, sugar, lime and ice.

Note: It could be prepared with lemon and no maraschino, in fact, that is the classic daikiri, but the most popular is “daiquirí floridita”, which is tastier. In order to prepare this drink, follow these steps: put a spoonful of sugar in a cocktail shaker, add juice of half lime, 5 drops of maraschino, 50ml of rum (1 ½ oz), and cubed ice until doubles the quantity that is already in the shaker.

Next, whisk everything in a mixer at maximum speed until it is ‘frappe’, foamy, and it is served in a daikiri glass (as the one shown on the image) garnished with a slice of lime and a straw.

It is a true wonderful drink that you should try since it is easy to prepare. You do not have to worry about the ‘frappe’ since you will perfectly notice while you prepare the drink when you have achieved it.

Daikiri - Ingredients:

  • Six parts of White rum
  • Three parts of lemon juice
  • One part of cane syrup

- Whisk in the mixer

- Serve in cocktail glass, frost-rimmed and half strawberry.

Likewise, it is possible to have other combinations like banana daiquiri, where the recipe is similar to the previous one, but before whisking, add a string of plantain liquor. To make a “rebel daikiri”, you should add peppermint, and for the strawberry daikiri, you just need to add a sip of strawberry liquor. Finally, daikiri mulata is the one that has cocoa cream.

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