WHAT: WHOSE BAD? Free Beer Tasting @ Wynwood Brewing Company
WHEN: Tuesday, February 25, 2013
WHERE: Wynwood Brewing Company, 565 NW 24th Street, Miami, FL
TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
RSVP: Space is Limited.
RSVP Required to https://www.facebook.com/events/508369365950280/
As part of the annual “Sprung! - Spring Beer Festival” join the team at the Wynwood Brewing Company for Free Beer Tasting #3: Badass Beers, Badass Place, Who’s Bad? at Wynwood Brewing Co. on Tuesday Feb 25 at 6:00p.m. Wynwood Brewing Co. is located at 565 NW 24th street, Miami, FL. Tasting will include only beers rated 95 or above including some of Wynwood Brewing Company’s own creations. Due to space limitations, RSVP is required to the Facebook event page and space is limited to 50 people. If you come in a jacket with more than 3 zippers, no RSVP is necessary. Go on in with your badass self.
“When you think “badass” only two people should come to mind: Chuck Norris and Michael Jackson. Since Chuck has had a little too much exposure over the past few months with his splits, we thought to give a nod to the KOP. What defines badass more than black leather and more zippers than the YKK factory?! And come on, a gang-fight dance off in a subway station versus Wesley Snipes? That screams badass. Never have we seen that type of action since, well since West Side Story! So yes, we sometimes take a bit of literary license with our write-ups, but this one is dead on. Best of all, the album cover for “Bad’ has a spray-painted “Bad” on it. That’s defiance right there in three red letters. So when we knew we were hosting a tasting in Wynwood Brewing Co (spray paint tie-in) at Wynwood Brewing’s tap room (badass tie-in), we could think of no better theme muse that the King of Pop himself, M.J.” (excerpt from Facebook invite)
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