
Tag: miami beach botanical gardens

Festivities to include Dames’ Cooking Demonstrations, Book Signings, Raffles, Fabulous Food and Wines

Les Dames d’Escoffier Miami, presents a lavish brunch at the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens featuring a stellar lineup of South Florida chefs, farmers, restaurants and authors. Participants to date include Oolite, Basil Park, Smith and Wollensky, Siam Oishi, Le Provencal restaurant Francais, Front Porch, Mise en Place; La Provence; Pastry is Art, Thierry’s Catering, A Fare to Remember, Small Tea, and Cookie Pursonality, among others. Restaurant participants will offer delicious brunch menu items; San Ignacio College and Miami Culinary Institute will host quesadilla and omelet stations; Le Cordon Bleu and Les Dames Miami will host additional culinary stations.  Republic National Distributing Co. and Sangria Lola will offer luscious libations.

Attendees can also sample South Florida’s beautiful spring harvest from Verde Farms and Teena’s Pride, the latter farm owned by Dame Teena Borek; enjoy tasty eye-opening cocktails at the Bloody Mary bar, hosted by Patron and Smirnoff and savor a jolt of java from the Nespresso station.  Raffle items will include a trove of spa treatments, fabulous dining certificates, gift baskets, fine wines and other prizes. New culinary techniques will be featured at Les Dames d’Escoffier cooking demonstrations and Les Dames’ members, authors Ellen Kanner and Jen Karetnick, will offer signed copies or their current books, “Feeding the Hungry Ghost”, and “ Mangoes”, respectively.

The Les Dames brunch takes place Sunday, March 8, 2015, 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive, 33139. Tickets may be purchased at [email protected].

Proceeds support Les Dames d'Escoffier Miami's educational and scholarship programs and will help maintain the chapters recently installed culinary garden at MB Botanical Gardens. Les Dames d’Escoffier is an international, invitational service organization comprised of professional women in food, beverage, farming and hospitality whose goals are education, advocacy and philanthropy. Every LDEI chapter is committed to performing charitable work within their respective communities, and members benefit from the experience of networking, camaraderie and mutual support. The Miami chapter's dynamic membership includes bakers, caterers, chefs, consultants, cooking teachers, farmers, food stylists, home economists, journalists, publicists, restaurateurs, retailers, specialty purveyors and winemakers.

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