
Tag: corned beef hash


Whenever I need to get away from the stereotypical Miami scene, I head to places like S&S Diner. Let’s not lie to ourselves; it’s hard to escape the certain vibe that is connected to our city. The loud EDM music, the overpriced drinks, and the pretentiousness you find in different areas of Miami start getting to me sometimes, and I feel like I need to get away in a place that seems to dodge everything that is Latin and Caribbean. I’m of Latin background myself, so I’m not trying to offend anyone, but there are few places here that serve classic Americana fare like you would find in a diner. I look for that sometimes, as I am a lover of chicken fried steak, biscuits and gravy, corned beef hash, and meatloaf. Luckily, there are restaurants far and between that offer these foods with a diner-esque atmosphere, and S&S is one of them.

S&S Diner is connected to a Drug Store on the intersection of Red Rd and Bird. Walking in, you will see checkered floors, red cushioned booths, classic movie posters on the wall, and a packed house. People who come here are faithful to this restaurant, as the food offered is not only heart satisfying, but also downright delectable. I come here for the biggest pancakes in the city, and I don’t mean that as a hyperbole. The pancakes come in servings of two or three, but even one would suffice to fulfill any human being. They are served on a 16-inch pizza tray, almost mocking you since there is no way a person can consume this and have a productive day after. The pancakes are not just immense; they are some of the best tasting I have found in Miami. They posses a fluffy cloud-like texture that absorbs butter and syrup like a sponge with a tender and buttermilk infused crumb, making for forkfuls of food that make you want to finish. Pair your pancakes with homemade corned beef hash, as you will need something salty to offset the copious amounts of syrup you are about to ingest. The corned beef hash stands on its own though, bordering the point of being over seasoned offering some of that griddled taste and crunchy bits of meat and potato. The meal I am suggesting is not healthy in the slightest, but it is one of the most gratifying breakfasts you can find in Miami.

Even if you don’t go to S&S Diner for the food, it is a place you are bound to enjoy. Just sit down, order a milkshake, and bask in an atmosphere so unlike Miami, that you will start to feel like if you were someplace else.

S&S Diner

4000 SW 57th Ave

By Food Blogger, Santiago Cardona

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