January 30, 2010

Sushi Maki Restaurant In Coral Gables

Miami doesn't have great Japanese, Chinese, Thai cuisine restaurants - actually let me correct that, Miami doesn't have great Asian food restaurants at an affordable price. In my own experience, for less than $10 you can have amazing Pad Thai Noodles in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, LA, but in Miami that same quality will cost you double. I think this is due to the fact that the Asian population in Miami is not as big as other cities in the States, but really, I don't know why - or maybe I will find a great Asian food restaurant at a reasonable price and then be writing another different post, but again, for now I stand by what I just said.

So Saturday I am meeting my friend to try for the first time the restaurant Sushi Maki in Coral Gables. My friend comes to Sushi Maki all the time, and so I trusted him that my time would not be wasted. Oh boy it did.

paso del sol chilean wine

Wine Name: Paso Del Sol Sauvignon Blanc From Chile
Price: $26

Pale straw colour with green tinges, fresh, grassy nose with notes of green apple, quince and melon. Crisp refreshing palate with good persistent finish, hints of quince and apple. The wine is well going with fish, white meat and with other light, spicy dishes at 8-10°С.as a pretty good wine, light

tom yum koong soup from sishi maki in coral gables

Dish Name: tom yum koong (traditional thai soup with shrimp in a tangy & spicy lemon grass broth)
Price: $6.95

The bowl came pretty quickly after ordering - and it was a very large one. Really the ratio between liquid vs solid was too high, too much liquid and I believe I got 3 shrimps on this soup and a random mushroom here and there. There was no lemon grass flavor whatsoever, quite a disappointment and I do not think they should serve such a large bowl as I kept drinking and drinking and it never ended. By the time I said to myself "give up on this soup, it's just not worth it to keep paddling" (I had flashes of canoe paddling), I was so full of really nothing that I did not order another dish. Don't get me wrong, this dish is $6.95, not too much of an investment, but I would recommend Sushi Maki to bring the liquid ratio down if they want to sell a main course after this lagoon.

Want to see how Sushi Maki looks like inside? Watch the video


Sushi Maki

2334 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables (305)-443-1884 see location in map

Sushi Maki on Urbanspoon

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