February 20, 2013

Celebrate Sobe Wine & Food Festival With A Cuban Sandwich

To celebrate SOBE Wine & Food Festival, Smithfield will have a food truck serving traditional Cuban sandwiches. In order to create the ultimate Cuban, Smithfield enlisted Versailles Restaurant, the iconic Cuban sandwich maker in Miami, to make the “Smithfield Versailles Cuban Combo.”

The Smithfield food truck, stationed outside nighttime events, will hand out Cuban Combos featuring Smithfield Ham and Roasted pork, making it a tasty late-night snack.

The recipe is below to make your own “Smithfield Versailles Cuban Combo.”


Cuban Sandwich

Our World Famous "Sandwich Cubano"

Serves 2-4


  • 1 Loaf Cuban Bread
  • 16oz Sweet Ham
  • 10oz Smithfield Roast Pork
  • 10oz Swiss Cheese
  • 8 Thin Dill Pickle Slices
  • Yellow Mustard



Cut the loaf of bread horizontally.

Layer the ham then the pork on the bottom half of the bread.

Spread a thin line of the mustard over the pork, followed by the pickle slices and the cheese.

Top with the top half of the bread.

Cut the sandwich into the desired portions and brush the outside crusts with melted butter.

Place the sandwich on a preheated sandwich press and press down on the sandwich.

Let it cook until the sandwich is heated through....cheese is melted and crusts are toasted.

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